One thinks, sometimes, that maybe I am meant to be a man of sorrows. I’m reading the Book of Job, and this puts something of a perspective on my own troubles. Job was meant to be a man of sorrows, never mind that he is at the end given more than he lost in the middle: because the middle undoubtedly happened. Shall I myself thus content to be put in the darkness? Shall I think that ultimately, God will do me right, yea, within this, my lifetime? I can do nothing more than hold on. If I cannot put my trust in the Lord, what is there left for me? There were two others in the Bible known by the title. Perhaps, like Jeremiah, shall I buy a field, to hope for future crops? Perhaps, like our Lord, shall I ask why God has forsaken me? Then, to awaken, and to find, strange, how the world is made new…
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