9 Jul 2006

i exhale fire from where my heart is forged
the iron and irony are surprisingly fragile
though sometimes impenetrable, like some looks
wondering where i lost the time
how many times did i ever love, as i approaches death
a slow trip, to be sure, looking back
or did i already turn into a pillar of salt
messy collisions, supernormal ordinarinesses
wonder have i ever understood more than pretending
what that so infinitely simple means
or is no one contrary to the incomprehensibility
when we all know exactly what no one does
for to look out from these eyes is the only way
believing without realizing, seeing
what we cannot explain when touched
for to look out from these eyes is so very alone
night when the sparks fly, anywhere but here
whose hand it is i cannot say, hammering
forging a thing so precious and forgettable
and i inhale the darkness like drinking soup
somehow to bang it into light, the fire
i wonder how i could have, how i would have, if
if she had only said yes without telling me
and i understood without letting me in on it

posted by John H. Doe @ 5:37 pm

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