23 Mar 2008

Happy Easter!
What are we supposed to believe? That a man rose from the dead, alone in a tomb, who was surely deceased, with no intervention save God above? That is the meat of it. With our “modern” sensibilities, we who have lead miracle-free lives, how are we to swallow such fare? I do not know if Christian Science so believes this, but it is in my opinion that Jesus Christ had science beyond us, not any kind of magic. That the miracles came from how He understood the world can work. This is what we believe: that his genius was beyond all genius, being the Son of the Infinite. When we think on what He said to us, we get glimpses of this kind of knowledge, this authority. If you care to look, He prayed like no mere saint ever has. This is what we believe: so great a man lived, a savior for all humanity. We recognize Him today.

posted by John H. Doe @ 12:01 am

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