I’m certain the planets will align for me, at some time; but I wonder if it will be destiny bending over backward to spin me a trivial fate. Not that I should complain — for I have food and drink aplenty, entertainment ready whenever I want, a roof over my head, and my health — and that’s better than (I believe) the majority of the world. Yes, I must thank God for this abundance, but this little niggling sense I cannot rid myself of it: that I will be incredibly lucky about some really minor thing, and that whatever sum of luck is allotted for my person’s total of kismet will then be exhausted when it comes to anything of real importance. Alas, nothing I can do…. There’s a lesson here, somewhere, because there always is when I go on about anything. But I’m too busy complaining, I guess, to try and pry it free from the unsorted mass. (And perhaps that could be the important thing I’ll be missing out on? Life’s funny like that.)
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